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Isaac Regional Council Certified Agreement 2017

The Isaac Regional Council Certified Agreement 2017 is a legally binding agreement that governs the employment conditions of council employees in the Isaac Region of Queensland, Australia. The agreement was negotiated by the council and the Australian Services Union and covers a range of matters including wages, working hours, leave entitlements, and other conditions of employment.

One of the key features of the Isaac Regional Council Certified Agreement 2017 is its commitment to promoting work-life balance for council employees. The agreement includes provisions for flexible working arrangements, such as job-sharing, part-time work, and flexible hours. This is a significant step forward in ensuring that employees are able to balance their work commitments with their personal lives and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

The agreement also includes provisions for improved wages and conditions for council employees. Under the agreement, council employees will receive a 2.25% wage increase each year, which is above the current rate of inflation. This will help to ensure that council employees are fairly compensated for their work and are able to maintain a decent standard of living.

In addition, the Isaac Regional Council Certified Agreement 2017 includes provisions for improved leave entitlements. Council employees will have access to additional leave entitlements, including paid domestic violence leave and an additional week of annual leave for employees who have been with the council for more than ten years.

The agreement also includes provisions for improved workplace health and safety. The council is committed to ensuring that its employees are able to work in a safe and healthy environment, and the agreement includes provisions for ongoing training and support for employees to help them maintain their health and safety at work.

Overall, the Isaac Regional Council Certified Agreement 2017 is a positive step forward for council employees in the Isaac Region. The agreement provides improved wages, leave entitlements, and working conditions, and demonstrates the council`s commitment to promoting work-life balance and workplace health and safety. As a result, council employees will be better equipped to provide high-quality services to the community and contribute to the ongoing development and growth of the Isaac Region.